JPM┃张洪振 何凌云 张中祥:政策能否实现环境公平和环境改善?


Journal of Policy Modeling张洪振 何凌云 张中祥:政策能否实现环境公平和环境改善?来自中国新安江横向生态补偿项目的证据

河北大学管理学院讲师张洪振博士、暨南大学经济学院何凌云教授与天津大学马寅初经济学院创院院长张中祥教授合作的文章“政策能否实现环境公平和环境改善?基于中国新安江横向生态补偿项目的证据”(Can policy achieve environmental fairness and environmental improvement? Evidence from the Xin’an River project in China)近日被Elsevier出版社出版的Journal of Policy Modeling接受并在线发表。




1979年创刊、被EconLit/SSCI收录的Journal of Policy Modeling经济学期刊是Society for Policy Modeling会刊,多位诺贝尔经济学奖得主兼任其顾问委员会委员自1996年7月第一篇文章被接受起,张中祥教授在该刊已发表8篇文章。同时,张中祥以“气候变化和能源政策”为专题2009年曾为该刊主编了一期特刊,收录了包括时任威尼斯大学校长Carlo Carraro教授,MIT斯隆商学院Henry Jacoby教授,美国经济学会前会长、哈佛大学经济系Dale Jorgenson教授(2023年逝世),澳大利亚国立大学Warwick McKibbin教授,普林斯顿大学Stephen Pacala教授,MIT斯隆商学院John Reilly教授,普林斯顿大学Robert Socolow教授,Energy Economics主编Richard Tol教授等世界顶尖学者在该领域的最新研究成果该特刊收录于该刊2009年第31卷、第3期、359-477页。

Can policy achieve environmental fairness and environmental improvement?

Evidence from the Xin’an River project in China

Journal of Policy Modeling

Hong-Zhen Zhang, Ling-Yun He, ZhongXiang Zhang*

Abstract: In a river basin across regions, is environmental improvement in downstream areas based on actions that negatively impact economic development and social welfare in upstream areas? This paper takes the pilot of Transverse Eco-compensation Mechanism (TECM) in Xin'an River of China as a quasi-natural experiment and uses the difference-in-differences strategy to estimate the impact of TECM on environmental inequality. We find that the government’s environmental policy may lead to more environmental inequality,which is often overlooked. Our results show that the pilot of TECM depresses the upstream economy, reduces upstream resident income, especially rural residents, and widens the regional income gap between the upstream and downstream. Heterogeneous tests confirm our findings. Our mechanism test shows that the industries’ shutting down and relocation are the main driving forces for the regional environmental inequality in the short term. Therefore, in implementing future TECM, the upstream government needs to pay attention to the economic slowdown and the subsequent unemployment and resident welfare loss. The central and downstream governments should help the upstream regions upgrade the industrial structure, rather than just pay compensation funds, thereby reducing the resulting environmental inequality. Our findings have important policy implications for the treatment of trans-regional river pollution.

Keywords: Transverse eco-compensation, Environmental regulation, Environmental inequality, Difference-in-differences

JEL classification: Q53; Q56; Q58; O13


Zhang, H., He, L. and Z.X. Zhang* (2024), Can Policy Achieve Environmental Fairness and Environmental Improvement? Evidence from the Xin’an River Project in ChinaJournal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 46.

张中祥教授为Journal of Policy Modeling主编的特刊和在上面发表的文章


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Wu, L., Li, J. and Z.X. Zhang* (2013), Inflationary Effect of Oil-price Shocks in an Imperfect Market: A Partial Transmission Input-output Analysis, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 354-369.

Zhu, L., Zhang*, Z.X. and Y. Fan (2015), Overseas Oil Investment Projects under Uncertainty: How to Make Informed Decisions?, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 742-762.

He, L., Lin, X. and Z.X. Zhang* (2020), The Impact of De-globalization on China’s Economic Transformation: Evidence from Manufacturing Export, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 628-660.

Zhang, H., He, L. and Z.X. Zhang* (2024), Can Policy Achieve Environmental Fairness and Environmental Improvement? Evidence from the Xin’an River Project in ChinaJournal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 46.