“经济学系列讲座”第34期:Asset Pricing with Ambiguous Signals: An Experiment


题目:Asset Pricing with Ambiguous Signals: An Experiment

主讲人:Jiahua Zhu 新加坡南洋理工大学博士后


线上:腾讯会议号 452825276

主持:张中祥 天津大学马寅初经济学院创院院长、卓越教授,国家能源、环境和产业经济研究院院长


This paper explores how ambiguous signals and ambiguity aversion influence individuals' expectations and the pricing of asset in experimental financial markets. In line with the theory of Epstein and Schneider (2008), we find that subjects' degree of ambiguity aversion is positively correlated with their expectations about the variance of ambiguous signals. These signals matter for the determination of asset prices. We find that price volatility is significantly larger under ambiguous signals. Our findings provide evidence in support of the idea that ambiguous information and ambiguity aversion may be a source of excess volatility in financial markets.


Jiahua Zhu is a postdoc at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore where she received Ph.D in economics. Her research focuses on experimental economics, experimental Finance, and behavioral economics, and her publication appears in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.