Canadian Journal of Economics┃夏诗芸:技术市场、产品市场和总创新


天津大学马寅初学院助理教授夏诗芸独作文章“Technology market, product market and aggregate innovation”正式发表于经济学国际权威期刊Canadian Journal of Economics2024年,第57卷,第三期。


本文通过一个连续时间上的动态创新模型,探讨了如何设计最优的知识产权政策以最大化经济增长并促进创新。在该模型中,现有企业和外部发明者均致力于新技术的发明。外部发明者可以通过两种途径来商业化其发明:(1) 独立开发新产品,与现有企业竞争,或 (2) 将发明出售给现有企业。这两种商业化方法的收益取决于专利保护的两个关键维度:(1) 现有企业专利对新一代技术独立商业化的阻碍强度,即外部发明者在未获得现有企业专利许可的情况下,其新产品合法进入市场的难易程度;(2) 发明者专利防止模仿的能力,即在专利交易中,现有企业模仿所交易技术的可能性。





Technology market, product market and aggregate innovation

Canadian Journal of Economics,Vol. 57, No. 3, August 2024

Shiyun Xia


This paper examines the growth maximization mix for intellectual property rights (IPR) in an economy in which incumbents and outside inventors endogenously choose how to develop inventions and commercialization strategies, both of which determine the innovation rate. Outside inventors can choose to commercialize their inventions by (i) launching a new product or (ii) selling to incumbents. I find that if inventors all sell on the technology market, then protecting inventors' patents from imitation by firms raises aggregate innovation. If, instead, all inventors enter the product market, the IPR policy that regulates the ability of incumbents' patents to block the entry of improved products faces a trade-off between innovation from existing firms and inventors, which leads to a single-peaked relationship between economic growth and the blocking strength. When both commercialization strategies are chosen, a balanced IPR policy can raise aggregate innovation by encouraging inventors to choose the more efficient commercialization method.


夏诗芸,中国人民大学经济学和数学双学位,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校经济学博士,于202010月入职马寅初经济学院任职助理教授。她的主要研究方向为产业组织和应用微观经济学,具体研究兴趣为创新对市场结构和劳动力市场的影响。她的研究成果发表在Canadian Journal of Economics等经济学期刊。