Review of Development Economics┃胡文皓 等:中国城镇家庭消费:价格、收入与人口特征效应




Given the government’s goals to restructure the economy away from investment and exports to consumption and to reduce inequality, it is important to have a good understanding of China’s household consumption behavior and to obtain a good measure of consumption adjusted for price differences across regions. We estimate a consumption function that is flexible and distinguishes between different household types such as size and age of head. We develop detailed price data by region, including rental equivalents for owneroccupied housing. This provides us the estimates of income and price elasticities of different consumption bundles that should be useful for analyzing public policies. We find distinct elasticities for residents of large and small cities. For all urban households the income elasticity for food is about 0.7–0.8, housing is 0.8–0.9, and services is 1.4–1.5. The price elasticity for food and services is about 0.5 and 0.8, respectively.







胡文皓2009年从浙江保送到复旦大学经济学院,在复旦大学经济学院数理经济班这个本身就优秀的群体读书期间,被同学认为是“数理经济班的大神”,以“胡老师”称呼他。2013年7月从复旦大学经济学院本科毕业,获上海市优秀毕业生。2018年从清华大学经济管理学院获经济学博士学位。2018年12月底加盟天津大学马寅初经济学院,是学院招聘的首位师资博士后。他的研究领域属于应用微观经济学和应用微观计量。读博期间,在哈佛大学交流一年,在2000年美国经济学会会长、哈佛大学经济系讲席教授Dale Jorgenson教授指导下从事研究工作,在Journal of Housing Economics《清华大学学报》和《经济学报》发表了三篇论文。加盟马寅初经济学院至今,已发表三篇China Economic Review和一篇Review of Development Economics.