“经济学系列讲座”第55期:Can Self-Set Goals Encourage Resource Conservation? Field Experimental Evidence from a Smartphone App


题目:“经济学系列讲座”第55期 Can Self-Set Goals Encourage Resource Conservation? Field Experimental Evidence from a Smartphone App

主讲人:Andreas Löschel 德国国家工程院院士,德国波鸿鲁尔大学讲席教授,德国能源转型监督专家委员会主席



主持人:张中祥 天津大学马寅初经济学院创院院长、卓越教授,国家能源、环境和产业经济研究院院长


Andreas Löschel holds the Chair of Environmental/Resource Economics and Sustainability at the Ruhr University Bochum since September 2021. He was full Professor of Economics at the University of Münster (2014-2021) and at the University of Heidelberg (2010-2014) and Head of Department at ZEW - Leibniz Center for European Economic Research. He received his PhD in Economics at the University of Mannheim in 2003. Since 2011 he has been the chairman of the Expert Commission of the German Government to monitor the energy transformation. Andreas Loeschel is a Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the Fifth and Sixth Assessment Report (2010-14, 2017-22). He is a member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech). His publications appear in Canadian Journal of Economics,Economica, Energy Economics, Energy Journal, Environmental and Resource Economics, European Economics Review, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Public Economics, Nature Climate Change, Nature Energy, Nature Geoscience, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Resource and Energy Economics, Review of World Economics. In the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) economist ranking he was several times among the 50 most influential economists in Germany. For outstanding research in economics he received the German Economics Prize of the Joachim Herz Foundation 2022.


This study leverages a large RCT to examine the potential of goal-setting nudges for conserving resources at scale. We randomize a feature that allows subjects to set themselves energy consumption targets in a popular smartphone app. We document negative effects of the nudge on app utilization and estimate null effects on energy consumption with confidence intervals that rule out estimates from observational studies. A complementary survey identifies the mechanisms underlying these behavioral responses. Using a structural model and random variation of the app’s price, we estimate that the average user is willing to pay 7.41 euros toavoid the nudge.


自己2001年任职荷兰格罗宁根大学法学院和经济学院时,非常荣幸与10位欧美顶级环境资源经济学家应邀参加庆祝欧洲环境和资源经济学家学会理事长Klaus Conrad教授60岁生日和德国欧洲经济研究中心(ZEW)成立十周年学术报告会。后来我们的报告修改后集结成书Empirical Modeling of the Economy and the Environment,由德国Springer-Verlag出版社出版。

(德国总统和中国国家主席接见Andreas Löschel教授)

Andreas Löschel当时在Conrad教授指导下在曼海姆大学读经济学博士,负责会议的后勤与接待工作。交谈时,Andreas讲他读了我2000年发表在国际经济学领域最悠久的杂志Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv - Review of World Economics上的文章,非常希望能够合作发表一篇高水平的文章。他讲的我那篇文章(Estimating the Size of the Potential Market for the Kyoto Flexibility Mechanisms,136卷,第 3期, 491-521页)最初是1998年应亚洲开发银行(ADB)的委托为培训ADB发展中国家的谈判代表(时任国家发展和改革委员会马爱民处长也参加了ADB组织的培训班讨论会)而准备的报告“预测京都议定书框架下三种弹性机制的市场规模”。根据自己建立的12个国家和地区的全球模型,首次预测了《京都议定书》授权的排放贸易、联合履约和清洁发展机制三种灵活机制的市场规模,并把中国与其他发展中国家作用分离开来,首次预测出2010年中国在清洁发展机制市场上占60%份额。根据这个预测结果,NGOs把Clean Development Mechanism(清洁发展机制)昵称为China Development Mechanism(中国发展机制)。这个预测结果与后来实际情况基本一致。像这种口袋里能拿到银子、报告有政策价值同时最后经过修改的报告能发到国际高水平经济学期刊的咨询工作是可遇而不可求

之后,Andreas和我运用一般均衡、博弈论和不完全竞争理论,对美国撤出《京都议定书》以及随后达成的《波恩政治协议》和《马拉喀什协定》的经济和环境影响做了深入的经济学分析,合作的论文2002年也发表在Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv - Review of World Economics上。那期(2002年第四期)作为最后一期期刊的德文名在前、英文名在后,也挺有历史意义。自2003年第一期起,期刊名采用Review of World Economics - Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv,英文名在,德文名在后。该杂志由德国基尔世界经济研究院主办,但运作独立,主编和编委会由国际经济学领域著名学者担任。该国际经济学杂志是小刊物,一年4期,每期就几篇文章,非常难发

在Andreas的博士论文里,特别感谢了德国Christoph Böhringer和Claudia Kemfert教授、美国Thomas Rutherford教授和我。这是继1994年首位美国博士生Richard Garbaccio在加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士毕业论文感谢我的帮助后,首位德国学生在其博士毕业论文感谢我的帮助

疫情前,Andreas常来中国。2017年9月17日,在《北京洪堡论坛我们共同组织了Implementing the Paris Agreement – The Role of the European Union and China主题论坛来自德国欧洲经济研究中心、国家发展和改革委员会气候战略中心和对外经济贸易大学国际经济贸易学院等单位的智囊和学者应邀在会上发言,并与与会代表进行交流和讨论。